Tuesday Keynote (10:30 am - 11:20 am)
Buy Only What You Need: Demand-Driven Acquisition as a Strategy for Academic Libraries
Librarians must reconsider how they build collections. Traditionally, academic libraries have purchased as many books as possible to support their curricular and research needs, without much consideration of use. Even though 40% or more of books in most academic libraries never get used, this model made sense in a world in which books went out of print, shelf space was plentiful, and collections budgets were stable (or even growing). But the world has changed: as publishers shift to an electronic publishing model, books will not go out of print; libraries are under pressure to convert shelf space to study space; and libraries have fewer and fewer funds to purchase books annually. This presentation will examine some of the factors that make demand-driven acquisition a logical step for academic libraries, will outline some of the steps that libraries have taken to incorporate user selection into their acquisitions workflow, and will explore what these changes mean for academic libraries, researchers, and scholarly communication in general.
Michael Levine-Clark's Biography
Michael Levine-Clark is the Collections Librarian at the University of Denver’s Penrose Library and has also held positions as a reference and documents librarian. He has an MS in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois, and an MA in History from the University of Iowa. He has recently completed a two-year term as the president of the Faculty Senate at the University of Denver, and has also held elected positions in RUSA’s Collection Development and Evaluation Section. With colleagues from the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, he founded the open access journal Collaborative Librarianship, and currently serves as co-editor for scholarly articles. He has published and presented widely on various aspects of collections use and analysis, and is particularly interested in how these analyses can inform practice. He is currently working with YBP and EBL to develop a comprehensive multi-format demand-driven acquisition plan for monographs.
Tuesday Session #1 (11:30 am - 12:20 pm)
• GIST for Web Implementation
The business of buying, borrowing and accessing library materials is rapidly changing. Both acquisitions and interlibrary loan librarians understand the need for transforming the work of buying and borrowing, but also recognize the complexity of the processes involved. GIST is an innovative tool designed to reconcile these two formerly disparate workflows, while enhancing our current collection development strategies and enabling effective decision-making. GIST also transforms the ILL request form and provides users with a variety of useful options for the delivery of materials; full-text from Hathi Trust, Google Books, and more, purchase options from Amazon, Better World Books, and delivery time estimates based on library holdings. Attendees will see and hear how to implement GIST for Web 1.1.1
• Introductions & Project Update (Administrator Track)
Get to know other library administrators and guests. The IDS Project Administrative Team will provide a project update.
Tuesday Session #2 (1:50 pm - 2:40 pm)
• The CSU/Copyright Clearance Center Get It Now Pilot Program
The California State University Libraries had a problem. Obtaining journal articles via ILL wasn’t meeting their patron’s delivery expectations and all too often articles went unclaimed wasting time and money. Sound familiar? To solve this problem, the CSU Office of the Chancellor worked closely with Copyright Clearance Center to develop a cost-effective, expeditious article delivery service called "Get It Now" that’s putting a smile on the faces of both patrons and librarians. Join Marvin Pollard of CSU and Tim Bowen of CCC to learn about the "Get It Now" service, including results to date and future plans.
Speaker Bios:
Marvin Pollard is the Manager of Systemwide Digital Library Services at the California State University, Office of the Chancellor. Marvin has been with the California State University since 1997. Prior to joining the California State University system, Marvin held positions at the College Center for Library Automation in Florida, the University of Alaska - Fairbanks and was a Director of a Community College library in Arizona. Marvin received his BA degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison; his Master of Library and Information Science degree from the Dominican University; Graduate School of Library & Information Science and ABD at the Florida State University; School of Library & Information Studies — PhD Program.
Tim Bowen is a Product Manager at Copyright Clearance Center in Danvers, MA. He has been with CCC for over 7 years and is responsible for driving the development of new products for the corporate and academic markets as well as enhancing existing products. Tim has over 15 years of product management, product marketing and channels experience and holds a BSBA from Plymouth State University and an MBA from Southern New Hampshire University.
• ILLiad Web Customization by Atlas
Learn the basics of customizing your ILLiad webpages. This session will cover everything you need to know to customize your existing pages, create custom request forms, make pages status-specific, and more! Even if you already have knowledge of HTML and CSS, this session will prepare you to get the most from your ILLiad request forms.
• GIST Acquisitions Module Demo & Discussion
The current prototype and designs for the GIST Acquisitions Module will be presented to gather feedback from attendees that will shape the final designs of a streamlined and robust acquisitions module to be released in 2011. What just-in-time acquisitions services and streamlined workflow do you need? Offer your suggestions.
• GIST Service & Workforce Impact (Administrator Track)
As a result of GIST, libraries have new opportunities for change within Technical Services and Interlibrary Loan. Topics include selection philosophies and impact on staffing and user roles, ILLiad workflow for acquisition and interlibrary loan and their impact on staffing models, and cooperative collection building practice.
Tuesday Session #3 (2:50 pm - 3:40 pm)
• Article Processing: Conversion to TIFF, Use of ALIAS, & Pay-Per-View
Learn how to quickly and easily lend articles from your electronic journals! This session will cover how to check your ILL permissions, convert articles from PDF to TIFF format, and deliver all of these articles in batch using Odyssey Helper. By the end of this session, you will learn how to save staff time, reduce your scanning workload, and improve article lending turnaround.
• Addons for ILLiad
ILLiad Addons allow you to add functionality to ILLiad 8 such as searching Google Books, Hathi Trust or Amazon. Addons are very flexible and allow you to designate your own tabs on a request form to perform searches based on information in the ILLiad request. Once a result is found, you can even update information in ILLiad based on the results of your search. This session will go over the process of creating and implementing addons.
• Making Smart Choices: Data Driven Decision Making in Academic Libraries (Joint Session: Collection Development and Administrators)
Though librarians are swamped with data from hundreds of sources, most of us have little time to gather that information, and even less time to think about what those numbers mean. This is unfortunate, because these data can often tell us a tremendous amount about how our students and faculty use our libraries and what they think about libraries and library collections. Just a little bit of time with these data can force us to rethink how we run our libraries. This session will explore some of the ways in which we can use data to change the way we build collections to better serve our users.
Tuesday Session #4 (4:10 pm - 5:00 pm)
• The Future of Physical Delivery: LAND & Alternatives (Joint Session: Workflow and Administrators)
In the past 12 months approximately 50,000 loan requests from IDS Project libraries for physical materials were filled by other IDS libraries. All these items are transported among our libraries via LAND, the Nylink statewide delivery system contracted to Velocity Express, Inc. Velocity's ability to meet its contractual delivery time commitments remains problematic. For the past four months, the IDS Project administrative team has conducted a study of LAND using a system of GPS trackers. A presentation on the results of this study will be followed by a discussion of IDS directors and librarians, including an exploration of alternative solutions and development of short- and long-term recommendations. Nylink and Velocity Express representatives will be in attendance.
• OCLC Web Services for Developers: WorldCat API, et al.
Have you wondered just what a web services is, and what it would mean to use one? Are you thinking of investing effort into building new systems that rely on web services, or enhancing an existing service with API-provided data? OCLC offers a variety of web services such as xISSN, WorldCat Search API, WorldCat Identities, and the WorldCat Registry provide a variety of data which can be used to enhance and improve current library interfaces. This session will provide an overview of the web services offered by OCLC and demonstrate several simple real world applications which use the data from these services in libraries. Examples such a Javascript and PHP code to add journal of table of contents information, peer-reviewed journal designation, links to other libraries in the area with a book, also available ..., and info about this author will be discussed.
Karen A. Coombs' Biography
Karen A. Coombs is a librarian and geek coder with an interest in mashups, web services, and library web sites and interfaces. Currently she is the Product Manager for the OCLC Developer Network, a community of developers collaborating in a “sandbox” environment in order to propose, discuss and test OCLC Web Services. Prior to joining OCLC, she worked part time as a Web Application Specialist for LISHost and as a library web technology consultant. From 2005 - 2010, Karen served as the Head of Web Services at the University of Houston Libraries.
• GIST Gift and Deselection Manager Demo & Discussion
Automate and streamline your gift processing and de-selection data gathering and processing using this open-source system. The Gift & De-selection Manager enables you to evaluate items, see library holdings in customized groups of libraries, evaluate editions owned, manage a collection growth profile using a customized conspectus, automatically produce donor letters, evaluate tens of thousands of books using your no-use or little-used ILS reports, and much more. This how to program will cover implementation and live demo the use of the GIST Gift and De-selection Manager.
Wednesday Keynote (9:00 am - 9:50 am)
If You've Got Everything Under Control, You're Doing Something Wrong. Lessons in Innovation from Better World Books.
Better World Books, launched in 2002, is one of the fastest growing companies in the USA. A triple-bottom-line social enterprise, Better World Books finds new homes for old books and funds literacy in the process. To date, over $7 Million has been raised for libraries and literacy. It has partnered with thousands of libraries with its Discards & Donations program, and is launching a next-generation ILL service (symbol: QUICK) in partnership with OCLC. In its short life, Better World Books has reinvented itself three times, and is on the verge of its greatest reinvention yet. This talk will discuss the challenges of reinvention & innovation in an organization, as well as a look forward at libraries' role in society.
F. Xavier Helgesen's Biography
F. Xavier Helgesen is the co-founder of Better World Books and an unabashed champion of innovation and creativity in the workplace. He founded two million-dollar companies before age 30, and will be spending 2011 as a Skoll Scholar in social entrepreneurship at Oxford University.
Wednesday Session #1 (11:00 am - 11:50 am)
• Workflow 1: International ILL: Around the World in 80 OCLC Referral Days (or Less!) (Lab)
As WorldCat expands its reach throughout Europe, Asia, and beyond, it's becoming easier and easier to borrow and lend library materials around the world. But what happens when that international lender
appears in lowercase letters? Learn how to expand your library's resource sharing capabilities beyond OCLC's reach and customize your ILLiad operations to facilitate global searching and international library ILL requests. We will also discuss the practical side of international ILL lending, from how to get your books through Canadian Customs to how to avoid having your undeliverable mail destroyed in Mexico, as well as give a brief overview of global copyright laws and their effects on resource sharing.
Tom Bruno's Biography
Tom Bruno is the Head of Resource Sharing at Widener Library of the Harvard College Library. He has worked for the Harvard University Libraries for over 11 years. Tom received his Bachelor of Arts in Latin and Greek at Boston University and his Master of Library and Information Science from Simmons College- every now and then he thinks about getting a Ph.D.
• Workflow 2: Common ILL Headaches (Atlas Systems)
In this session, we will discuss issues related to interactions between OCLC WorldCat Resource Sharing and your ILLiad system. We’ll look at non-routine workflow circumstances such as renewals, duplicate requests, special messages, and conditional requests as well as some of the features unique to OCLC including request aging, the MaxCost field, and IFM.
• IDS Technology: Cool Tools & New Ideas
The IDS Technology Advisory Group (TAG) will present various tech-related enhancements they’ve developed for all members of the IDS Project, which include: ILLiad 8 Addons, Peer Reviewer and more! We’ll also share some of our plans for future developments. Time permitting; there may even be some lightning talks for you to share anything you’ve done! TAG: https://www.idsproject.org/About/TAG.aspx
TAG Bios: Adam Traub (St. John Fisher College, Chair), Mike Curtis (Broome Community College), Nathan Fixler (SUNY Office of Library & Info. Services), Corey Ha (Geneseo), Mike Mulligan (Upstate University Health System), Adam Perry (Oneonta), Kevin Reiss (City University of New York), Mark Sullivan (Geneseo).
• IDS Future: Part 1 (Administrator Track)
The IDS Project is rapidly growing in size and evolving in complexity. As directors of IDS libraries, we need to discuss the major opportunities and challenges the Project is facing as we continue developing a nationally recognized and quite unique resource-sharing cooperative:
- IDS now offers an "Article Preferred" membership to special libraries, including medical and legal, that have very few books to loan, do not use LAND, but are ready to share their incredible print and electronic journal collections.
- The New York Public Library is a wonderful IDS Project member. Another large urban public library and a major public library system In New York, both operating ILLiad, may be interested in joining the IDS Project. The collections of large public libraries strongly complement those of our academic libraries and would raise fill rates.
- The LAND delivery system is all too frequently not meeting its contractual delivery performance standards. Is it "good enough"? Can it be fixed? Are there viable, cost-effective alternatives?
- The IDS Project is exploring a subscription to Google Books as a potential "game-changer" resource-sharing strategy. Learn more about this potential strategy and how it might serve our Project.
- The new IDS Search engine will be released to all interested IDS libraries this summer. It is a high-quality union catalog with major scoping capability from local to international. It provides users with an excellent discovery tool for quick, no fee, inter-library delivery of over 33 million books and media items held within the IDS Project. What role will IDS Search play in our libraries? Will it replace or supplement the union catalogs we now offer users?
- Union catalogs, such as IDS Search, operate off of the OCLC WorldCat API platform. Library holdings in local catalogs and WorldCat must match for effective user retrieval. Yet many of us have major discrepancies between these two record sources. In addition to OCLC's offer of a free one-time reclamation service to synchronize our records, what options and work flow strategies exist to maintain accurate holdings critical to the IDS Project libraries?
- Are we ready to integrate components of our ILL and acquisitions/collection development operations by adopting GIST components within our libraries? How might this affect staff assignments and budget? How can cooperative collection development work with GIST?
During these two sessions for library administrators, the IDS Project administrative team needs your advice and counsel to make the wise decisions that will shape a strong future for IDS to serve our libraries.
Wednesday Session #2 (12:00 pm - 12:50 pm)
• Lightning Talks
Lightning talks are fast-paced talks or presentations that give an opportunity for presenters to showcase late-breaking ideas, best practice implementations, and achievements that are related to ILL or resource sharing. Speakers are limited to five minutes for the talk. There will be a Q&A time for all speakers at the end.
If you are interested in giving a talk (or presentation), please indicate it on the online conference registration form or send an email to Corey Ha. Lightning talks are first-come, first-serve and maximum of 7 slots will be available.
• IDS Search Implementation: A How-To (Lab)
In this session we will demonstrate how to get started with IDS Search and explore the options for local customization. This will be a self-paced, hands on session with members of the IDS Search developers team. Dig into customization as deeply as you want with assistance from the development team. At the end of the session you will have an instance of IDS Search that is ready to use. (Look for an announcement in late June for details about what you should bring to this session.)
• IDS Future: Part 2 (Administrator Track)
Continuation of IDS Future: Part 1.