Time |
Room: (King St. 2) |
Room: (King St. 4) |
Room: (Town Hall) |
Ongoing |
Room Registration |
7:30am - 8:30am |
Breakfast (Fort Orange Courtyard) |
8:00am - 12:00pm |
Conference Registration (Billiard Room) |
9:00am - 9:15am |
Opening Session (King St. 2, 4, 6) |
9:15am - 10:15am |
Keynote: Dorothea Salo, University of Wisconsin at Madison (King St. 2, 4, 6) |
10:15am - 10:30am |
Break |
10:30am - 11:20am |
The Traveling Scholar: Adventures in Global Delivery Services (Amy Donnelly) |
Selling Your Services to Your Library (Melissa Perez) |
Meet the new ILLiad Server Addons (Matt Calsada) |
11:30am - 12:20pm |
Bringing Your Library Web Pages into the 21st Century: A Do-It-Yourself Guide (Simone Yearwood & Logan Rath) |
Fixing Rube Goldberg’s Machine: The Supervisor’s Guide to Revitalizing a Stagnant Department (Brent Day & Kristin Walker) |
ILLiad for Office Delivery (Ronald Figueroa) |
12:20pm - 1:50pm |
Lunch (King St. 6, 8) |
1:50pm - 2:40pm |
OCLC Update (Tony Melvyn) |
Reprints Desk (Tony Landolt & Chris Atwood) |
STAR Checklist: Best Practices in ILL (Beth Posner) |
2:50pm - 3:40pm |
Improving communication between ILLiad and the user; how long will it *really* take for my item to arrive? (Ben Hogben) |
IDS Logic Update (Bill Jones, Mike Mulligan, & Nicole Collelo) |
Massachusetts Library Delivery: Sorting to Lights, Sorting to Slips and Sorting to Rhode Island (Sue Kaler) |
3:40pm - 3:55pm |
Break |
3:55pm - 4:45pm |
Cross-germination: How resource sharing works with other library functions for the benefit of all. (Jay Kibby & Regina Vertone) |
Visualizing Your ILLiad Data Using Tableau (Kristy Lee & Sue Slivan) |
ILL Borrowing for Distance Students (Travis Olivera) |
4:45pm - 6:30pm |
Vendor Fair – Wine & Cheese Social (Koi Pond)
Poster Presentations:
Empire Shared Collection & Shared Services (Nicole Collelo)
Job Aid Applications (Terry Palacios)
Expanding Document Delivery Service To A New User Group (Mike Paxton)
6:30pm - 8:00pm |
Cocktails & Dinner (King St. 2, 4, 6) |
8:00pm - 11:00pm |
Conference Celebration and Awards Ceremony |
Time |
Room: (King St. 2) |
Room: (King St. 4) |
Room: (Town Hall) |
7:30am - 8:30am |
Breakfast (Fort Orange Courtyard) |
Up until 12:00pm |
Room Checkout |
8:30am - 9:15am |
ESLN (Formerly know as NY3Rs) & I2NY Update (Kathleen Gundrum & Debby Emerson) (King St. 2, 4, 6) |
9:15am - 9:50am |
Atlas Update (King St. 2, 4, 6) |
10:00am - 10:50am |
Resource sharing, the view from Cuba (Maureen Garvey & Christine McEvilly) |
Planted Firmly and Growing 6 Floors Taller: A reporting structure change (Karen Medin) |
Lending Availability Service at UO Libraries: A Logical Approach to Streamlining Workflow, Improving Services, and Increasing Satisfaction (David Ketchum & Bill Jones) |
10:50am - 11:00am |
Break |
11:00am - 11:50am |
Round-table Discussion - Processing ILL Borrowing Overdues (Ben Hogben, Lucy Yang, & Melissa Perez) |
Managing Purging and Delinking Projects: ILLiad Request Histories and User Privacy (Part I) (Chris Sisak, Logan Rath, Silvia Cho & Beth Posner) |
Strengthening Regional Collections One Request at a Time: Using Resource Sharing Technology to Facilitate True Just-In-Time Predictive Coordinated Collection Development (Kate Ross, Kourtney Blackburn, & Mike Mulligan) |
12:00pm - 12:50pm |
Adapting to Discovery: Initial Observations (Sarah Shank) |
The Purge...of the Database Manager! (Part II) (Chris Sisak, Logan Rath, Silvia Cho, & Beth Posner) |
The Hold Shelf: To Charge or Not to Charge? That is the Question... (Elise Thornley & Simone Yearwood) |
1:00pm - 2:30pm |
Lunch, New Member Awards, Announcements, Raffle, & Closing Remarks (King St. 2, 4, 6) |